DUO for a JOB matches young job seekers with an immigrant background with people over 50 years old who have a professional experience in related fields and who can accompany and support them in their job search
My diploma informs you about the recognition of foreign diplomas in Belgium.
Exaris is a social interim office that focuses on job seekers in Brussels between 16 and 30 years old without a secondary school diploma.
Validation des compétences organises the steps to verify the mastery of knowledge, skills and professional aptitudes.
CAPAC (Caisse auxiliaire de paiement des allocations de chômage) is the auxiliary fund for the payment of unemployment benefits.
ONEM (Office national de l’Emploi) is the National Employment Office.
Bruxelles Formation organises the entire francophone vocational training offer for job seekers in Brussels.
The VDAB (Vlaamse Dienst voor Arbeidsbemiddeling en Beroepsopleiding) is the public employment service of Flanders.
Actiris is the regional employment office in Brussels.