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Ladder’op vzw ondersteunt kansarme Brusselse leerlingen doorheen hun schoolcarrière om ze de sociale ladder te helpen opklimmen. Door samen te werken met vrijwilligers, toekomstige leerkrachten en de juiste instanties creëert Ladder'op de perfecte leeromgeving voor de leerlingen. is the website for children and young people in Brussels.

Baboes is an oasis in the city for children between the ages of 0 and 4.

Allo crèche is the francophone daycare website in Belgium.

Kinderopvang in Brussel provides an overview of the Dutch-speaking childcare in Brussels.

Inschrijven in Brussel is a website about enrolling in Dutch-speaking education in Brussels.

Bruxelles temps libre offers extra-curricular activities in Brussels for children between the ages of 2.5 and 12.